The Top Causes of Miscarriage

child hugging woman's baby bump

A miscarriage implies to the situation where a mother loses a fetus before the twentieth week of pregnancy. This condition is medically known as spontaneous abortion, in which “spontaneous” is the keyword since the situation is not a direct abortion. Many miscarriages materialize within the first three weeks of pregnancy.

A miscarriage is a devastating condition that comes with long-lasting emotional repercussions, such as anger, depression, fear, and guilt. However, the most challenging aspect of the loss of any pregnancy encompasses the complete lack of knowledge surrounding the condition.

Symptoms of a Miscarriage

The most common symptoms of a miscarriage include the following:

  • Abdominal pain
  •  Weakness
  • Back pain
  • Severe cramps
  • Fever

Bleeding—often progresses from light bleeding to heavy bleeding

Contact your obstetric health care provider immediately if you experience one of the symptoms listed here.
Causes of a Miscarriage

The following are some of the top causes of miscarriage:

Chromosome problems

sad womanChromosomes are DNA blocks containing a detailed set of instructions designed to control an array of factors. For instance, they control how the cells of the body develop along with the color of eyes a baby will portray.

When something wrong transpires at the point of conception, the fetus receives too many or insufficient chromosomes. This simply means that the fetus will not be able to develop in a normal way, consequently causing a miscarriage. More than 80% of early miscarriages are associated with chromosomal abnormalities.

Placental issues

The placenta refers to the organ that links the mother’s blood supply to the baby’s. Whenever there is a problem with the development of the placenta, it increases the odds of a miscarriage.

Food poisoning

Food poisoning materializes when one eats contaminated food. Listeriosis that is usually associated with unpasteurized dairy products, such as blue cheese, increases the risk of miscarriage. Salmonella, which is often associated with eating raw or partly cooked eggs, can also increase the likelihood of a miscarriage.

Weakened cervix

In some situations, the muscles of the cervix appear weaker than usual. It often ensues after a surgical procedure. The muscle weakness causes the cervix to open too early before pregnancy and may lead to a miscarriage.


woman expectingA miscarriage typically ensues whenever the pregnancy is not healthy. The treatment options and preventive measures are available only if a particular miscarriage problem is identified through testing. Treatment of a mother’s illness can also improve the likelihood of a successful pregnancy. It is important that you are aware of all the things that are bad for pregnant women to ensure that you as well as the baby in your womb are safe and healthy.…

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